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Showing posts from 2020

6 SEO Tactics You Are Not Doing, But You Need to Adopt

It is common for your search results rank to stagnate at times. A constant search on a site like, at such a time, may indicate that you are not making a lot of progress in your SEO ranking. If you realize that you are on such a patch, you need not worry. The chances are that you are doing the main stuff right but that you may be missing a few tricks here and there. There are

How To Build A Productive Pinterest Account

Pinterest is a visually-focused search engine and social media platform with over more than 300 million active monthly users. Pinterest has a concept of Pinboards for visuals and has evolved as one of the most influential image-based share, shopping applications, and websites. It allows users to discover, collect, and share images based on their interest that makes Pinterest uses on a personal